Welcoming Speech from the Head of Master’s Program in Information Systems

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, Peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah and His blessings.

Greetings to us all, To me and all prospective new students of the Master of Information Systems (MSI) program at Universitas Komputer Indonesia.

With deep gratitude to the Almighty God, I would like to welcome you all, prospective new students, to the academic environment of the Master of Information Systems program. You have taken a significant step in joining this program, which is designed to produce outstanding professionals and academics in the field of Information Systems.

Today, the world of information technology is developing rapidly and has become an essential element in various sectors, both locally, nationally, and globally. Our program is designed not only to provide an in-depth understanding of Information Systems theory and practice but also to equip you with a global perspective and a high ability to adapt to technological changes.

As a Master of Information Systems student, you will be prepared to face challenges and seize opportunities in the era of globalization. Through industry-based curricula, innovative research, and international collaborations, we ensure that you have a strong global competitiveness. With the skills you possess, you will be able to compete in the international job market, become innovators in technology, or even create technology-based solutions that can be applied in various parts of the world.

We also pay special attention to the development of leadership skills, cross-cultural communication, and understanding of global trends, so that you can become a professional who is not only skilled in technical fields but also capable of leading change in a multicultural environment.

I want to emphasize that your success in this program depends heavily on your commitment, hard work, and desire to continue learning. Make this study period an opportunity to explore your potential, expand your network, and make a real contribution to society through your expertise in Information Systems.

Finally, I would like to congratulate you on embarking on this new academic journey. May you achieve the best achievements and become part of the next generation that brings about positive change in the world of information technology, both nationally and globally.

Thank you. Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Sri Supatmi, M.T, D.Sc
Head of the Master’s Program in Information Systems
Universitas Komputer Indonesia